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Every item is individually photographed and the item pictured is the actual item for sale and what you will receive, unless specifically stated in the description. We will give as full and accurate a  description as possible, but please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information at info@jaybe-militaria.co.uk   We aim to answer all emails within 24 hours.


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 Home > 3) Deactivated and Obsolete calibre Rifles > Pre-WW1 rifles 
All photographs are of the items you will receive unless otherwise stated.
Deactivated Martini-Enfield .303 carbine , 1897 dated, marked to Staffordshires **SOLD**Deactivated Martini-Enfield .303 carbine , 1897 dated, marked to Staffordshires **SOLD**
Obsolete calibre Martini-Henry mk IV rifle,  1886 dated **ON HOLD**Obsolete calibre Martini-Henry mk IV rifle, 1886 dated **ON HOLD**
Deactivated German Commission G88 rifle, Spandau 1893 madeDeactivated German Commission G88 rifle, Spandau 1893 made
Deactivated Mauser Gew.98 infantry rifle, 1900 dated Danzig made, all matched s/numbersDeactivated Mauser Gew.98 infantry rifle, 1900 dated Danzig made, all matched s/numbers
Deactivated Italian Vetterli-Vitali M1870/87/15 rifle,  1889 dated, early spec **SOLD**Deactivated Italian Vetterli-Vitali M1870/87/15 rifle, 1889 dated, early spec **SOLD**
Obsolete calibre Steyr Kropatschek M1886 infantry rifleObsolete calibre Steyr Kropatschek M1886 infantry rifle
Deactivated Swedish Mauser M1896, 1901 dated, matching s/numbers, early spec **SOLD**Deactivated Swedish Mauser M1896, 1901 dated, matching s/numbers, early spec **SOLD**
Deactivated Swiss Schmidt-Rubin M1889 rifle, 1892 manufacture, early specDeactivated Swiss Schmidt-Rubin M1889 rifle, 1892 manufacture, early spec
Obsolete Calibre Swiss Schmidt-Rubin M1889 rifle, 1892 manufacture **SOLD**Obsolete Calibre Swiss Schmidt-Rubin M1889 rifle, 1892 manufacture **SOLD**
Obsolete Calibre Swiss Schmidt-Rubin M1889 rifle, 1893 manufactureObsolete Calibre Swiss Schmidt-Rubin M1889 rifle, 1893 manufacture
Lee-Enfield cleaning kit pre-1906 mk3 brass oiler bottle, Canadian markedLee-Enfield cleaning kit pre-1906 mk3 brass oiler bottle, Canadian marked
Lee-Enfield cleaning kit pre-1906 mk3 brass oiler bottle, EFD marked**SOLD**Lee-Enfield cleaning kit pre-1906 mk3 brass oiler bottle, EFD marked**SOLD**

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When buying more than one item, please contact us for a combined postage quote, as the website cannot work it out and will add up as if sent separately. Any postage overpayment of £5 or more will be refunded or credited. Any questions, please contact us. ALL carriage is fully insured.   

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Deactivated PPSh-41 Russian smg with sling 1945 dated, sliding cocking-handle  **SOLD**
Deactivated PPSh-41 Russian smg with sling 1945 dated, sliding cocking-handle **SOLD**

We will be regularly updating the website with new items, so please keep looking. We usually have several items waiting to be listed, so if you have a specific requirement, please don't hesitate to contact us. 
We are also always on the lookout for new stock, so get in touch if you would like to sell your unwanted deactivated weapons or bayonets, or any other militaria at info@jaybe-militaria.co.uk.
